Wednesday, July 21, 2010

cash machine

I needed cash today, so I decided to wear the Amanda mary janes with the lacy knee high school out to the cash machine.

Why the drama you might think - well, there's normally a queue, its right at the entrance to the mall where people hang out and its a little walk from the nearest parking spot.

Getting out of the car - you can see how obvious these shoes are - there's no position I can stand in that hides the white socks, even with my jeans pulled as low as they'll go.

Some guys stared at me as I was walking, but probably because I'm so damn hot ;)  LOL!

Got the cash, walked past the starey guys and some other folks, and hopped back into the car.  There is just no hiding these are girls shoes.

I'm wearing them to work tomorrow, but with dark socks - I do need to keep my job and not be the subject of ridicule!

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