Thursday, September 9, 2010

Saturday at the shops

So, I decided to go the shops in my Docs.  On a Saturday, when it's really busy.  I wasn't expecting to meet anyone I knew, but just in case, I decided to go for a bit of a gamble and wear the black shiny double strap t-bars with purple socks - very alternative and actually damn obvious!  I did get a few looks, from blokes this time - was probably the socks that did it!

Then, on the way home I had to pop into a couple of smaller shops, so I switched shoes and socks for the new burgundy DM's and lacy schoolgirl socks.  Awesome and very difficult to pass off - still, I went for it all the same.  The trick is to not act like there is something wrong.  Brazen it out and nobody really notices, and if they do, your confidence kinda tells them its ok.  Wonderful thing, the human psyche.

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