Tuesday, June 29, 2010

getting lunch

I went out to get some lunch at Subway wearing my shoes.  Lovely shiny Mary Janes. I took this just before I left the house - cool huh?

I was very nervous - it was around 12 so there would be lots of people at the shops and around Subway - its a funny thing - I almost do want people to notice, but at the same time, I really don't.

I deliberately parked the car at the opposite end of the car park so I would have to walk a little way, past a few other shops and the entrance to the mall, making it that little bit harder.

I got out of the car, which shows off ones shoes right away - anyone watching would have seen what I was wearing, but I don't think anyone was looking.  I then walked across the carpark and through the foyer of the mall - every step I was looking down at my feet to see if my jeans were revealing too much of shoes and socks, bit at the same time aware that if I looked at my feet all the time, so would other people.

Subway was packed and there was a big line of people, including a few teenage girls - I waited nervously - that close up, it would be pretty obvious to someone looking that was wearing very shiny black shoes with a heart shape cut out of the front.  If they continued to look, they would see my white socks.  I don't think they spotted me and once I had paid for my lunch, walked back across the car park to the car.


Such a rush.

I'm going to get some lacy topped ankle socks next and repeat the exercise with those too.

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