Saturday, July 3, 2010

working in girls shoes

Every Friday we are allowed to work in casual clothes, so I decided to wear my Mary Janes to the office.
I have to commute by train the city where I work, then walk 20 minutes to the office, so this would be a pretty big deal.

You've seen the shoes, they're not exactly manly, and there's no changing my mind, once I'm on the train, thats it, I'm wearing them for the day regardless.

So, I walked from the car to the station, knowing this was it.  On the train, I hoped I'd get a from facing seat and not a side one - it would be easier if I didn't have to spend 40 minutes opposite people with nothing to do but look around.  I did get a front facing seat, so the train journey was uneventful.  I think someone spotted the shoes on the escalator as people tend to be looking down a lot, but the crowd moved out and away too fast for it to be an issue.

I have to walk a while to the office, but that wasn't really a problem.  Walking is where people can really see they are Mary Janes and not just male Doc Martens as my jeans are moving around and showing off the whole shoe a lot more.  I had blue socks on so as not to draw too much attention, but the twin side buckles and t-bar are clearly visible.  Plus I had polished them till they were almost patent leather shiny :)

In the office, I have my feet under my desk mostly, but I work in an open plan area and I find myself with my feet bent back under my chair a lot, which everyone would be able to see.  Still, there were no issues.

Walking back home was similar to walking to the office,but waiting for a train on the packed platform was interesting.  One girl looked at me with a slight smile - had she seen, or was she just being nice?  Again, on the train was not a problem as I had my feet under the seat in front.

All in all, it was a good day - I could wear black very shiny t-bar Mary Janes to work and back without anyone noticing.

Next time, I think I'll do it with white socks.

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