Tuesday, July 27, 2010

in the supermarket

I had to pop out today and get a few groceries, so as usual, I decided to wear some MJ's :)

I've worn the newer ones a bit recently, so I thought I'd go back to the old twin strap shiny black Dr Martens, only with my nice white lacy schoolgirl socks on too.  My jeans kinda cover the shoes (sort of) more than with the other pair, so the white socks would be ok.

Boy they were obvious!  I got out of the car and straight away all I could see were the white lacy socks!  Forget the shoes, the socks scream "GIRL" from a mile away!

Anyway, I grew a pair and walked like a scared little girl confidently to the shops.  I think a woman pushing a trolley noticed right away as she gave me an odd half smile, but I suspect that was just because I am so HOT!  LOL!

As you can see, I still had time to take a few pics; it was just a matter of finding an aisle with nobody in so I could raise my jeans a little and take the shot without drawing too much attention to myself!

As I walked off down another aisle, a girl (a very pretty one too) looked at my feet indicating that noticed the shoes, but she didn't say anything or look back, so perhaps it was just my imagination.  After all, as I noticed on previous occasions, people generally don't notice these things.

I paid for my shopping and walked round to get some lunch, but nobody else was there or cared - ah well.  I need to go on a longer shopping expedition!

I took another shot before I got back into the car.

Tonight I have another errand to run, but this time I plan to wear the other MJ's and the white socks.  I really want to get that shoe/sock combo out there in a public setting.

Watch this space :)

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