Thursday, July 15, 2010

more adventures

Went to take some videos back and get some food for lunch, so thought I'd wear my Mary Janes with white socks for the occasion.  Lunchtimes are often very busy, so plenty of people about who could see (but actually wouldn't even notice)

1st up - the video shop - parked a little way away so I'd have to walk across the carpark - walking is when the whole shoe and sock are most easily seen.  No problems there - I did get a funny look from someone, but they hadn't actually looked down so it must have been at something else.

2nd on the list - Subway - I chose to walk around from the video shop so I'd have to brave a few more people.  Luckily Subway wasn't packed so again, no problems there. There was a fat kid who ducked under the barrier next to my feet, but I think he was more interested in the food than my girly shoes.

I had time to take a quick snap as I was getting into the car - stood in the carpark - people all around and nobody even looks.  I reckon I could go out wearing a dress and nobody would say anything.  Maybe thats a plan for another day...

3rd up was a fast food joint - I had orders to get some chips.  Now, these are the hardest of all, normally crammed with teenagers brightly lit.  Not the best place to get sprung.  Anyway - I walked in, placed my order and sat down on the waiting bench whilst the food was made.  The girls at the counter would have had a pretty good view as I was sat there, but they really didn't notice.

I even had time to take a few pictures as I was waiting.  Its amazing what people fail to notice!

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