Wednesday, September 1, 2010

travelling around the world

I took a trip 1/2 way around the world last week and as I was getting out of my car at the airport I thought 'why not', so I quickly packed my comfy male shoes (which are actually t-bar like in themselves) and picked out the brown Dr Martens triple straps and some plain white socks to go with them (I always keep some shoes in the car, just in case I get the urge ;) )

Before I could change my mind, I was walking across the carpark towards departures and joining the queue for check-in.

With white socks, these shoes stand out a little on a guy and I got LOTS of curious looks in the check-in line!  At first I was quite embarrassed, but then I just kinda went with it and started to regret not wearing one of the more girly pairs and some lacy socks!  Maybe next time, although I think I might throw caution to the wind and do the trip in high heeled boots ;)

Anyway, it was all pretty easy, even taking my shoes off through security didn't cause any problems, although the lady at the end of the x-ray did a massive double take when I took the shoes out of the little tray and buckled them up in front of her :)

Walking through my transfer hub (a major international airport) drew more stares, particularly in the lounge for my connecting flight, where a gorgeous blonde girl was staring at me and my shoes for ages.  I wish I'd worn the Amanda MJ's now, they would have been more obvious and confronting.  No men noticed whatsoever, only the girls.  I'd had dark socks on, I doubt people would have given me a second thought, but the white socks really draw in the eye.

So I arrived at my destination without any trouble and drew more stares at baggage reclaim, one older woman in her 60's just could not help herself and kept on looking down at my feet and then at me, but she didn't say anything.

Later that week, I wore the shoes out (with dark socks) to meet with some close friends, but they didn't notice.  Neither did my sister - the shoes were in plain view in her hallway all day but I guess they look innocuous enough, its only when paired with different socks that they become something other then just shoes.

On my way home, I decided to buy some cool socks (can't get anything like this where I live) and wear them with the shoes all the way home.  Man, did these get some looks!!  Checking in, sitting in the airport (Heathrow is very busy), waiting in the lounge was the best, so many girls looking at me!

Walking through the transfer airport again wasn't so rewarding as on the way out, but I still got a huge kick out of it.  Picking up my luggage again was pretty painless and then that was it, off home and change shoes before I drove off.  

Next time I do the trip, I fancy doing it in some high heeled boots!  Oh yeah, bring it on.


  1. Welcome back! And very awesome!. Sounds like you had fun playing with the people who saw you minds :P and the same phenomenon happens to me too. Guys don't look at shoes :)

    I love your stripy socks! they look quite amazing! I really love them.

  2. Thanks Al :) I do have fun playing with people - its fun to push people's boundaries of what they think they know about sexuality.

    My socks are actually mens socks - they sell them in UK supermarkets - wish I had bought more, men here only like black or grey, apparently.
