Sunday, October 17, 2010

working in girls shoes and socks

After a couple of times of wearing mary janes to the office with dark socks, I decided to wear the Amanda black Doc Martens with purple girly stripy socks.

I was pretty nervous about this as these shoes are unambiguously girls shoes (not like the brown triple straps t-bars, which are sufficiently funky that they kinda cross over a bit) and with my bosses and also the team I manage in the office too, it could all go horribly wrong.

I slipped the shoes on in the car and made the decision to just go with it and walked into the station and onto my train.  Too late to back out now.  I did think about it, but the doors closed and that was that, I was committed to a day in girls shoes and socks.

Walking out of the station and to the office drew plenty of quick glances - I think sometimes people notice, but don't really understand what they just saw until a few moments later.  People walking behind me must get longer to think about it, but noone has ever said anything.

In the office I kinda just got on with my job, even chatted to the sales director quite happily for a bit about a recent project - not a big deal.  Until I looked down at my feet and panicked slightly!

Girls shoes!

I survived the day okay and took myself off home.  One girl on the station platform noticed and looked at me directly in the eyes for some time as if she was trying to suss me out, but I'm cool with it and she kinda shrugged and went on her way without saying anything.  Sometimes I wish girls would say something though!!

Back in the carpark at the station I switched shoes - sad that I had to take them off to go home.  I love these shoes, there about as girly as I can get away with in public I think.

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