Sunday, July 24, 2011

outfit almost assembled

I've been gradually assembling my round the world outfit as you know, wanting to push things a little further than just wearing mary janes.  I know, it's not 'normal' but I still want to do it none the less.

I have a pair of denim dungarees (womens cut) which are very cool if slightly baggy on me (dammit!) - I should have ordered the next size down, but going by the measurements, they looked as if they would have been too small.

My Cafe Press order arrived yesterday with my tshirts - the lovely pink and white 3/4 length sleeved top like this one is what I will be wearing :)  Not too girly then ;)

If it gets cold, I have a nice jumper to over the top.  Not any old jumper, but a nice soft girls pink one.

Next up will be shoes - now, I could go for one of my pairs of mary jane shoes - most likely the Amanda black ones as they are the biggest and would look awesome with pink socks - however, I've bought some pink patent Dr Marten Boots

Perfecto!  They'll go nicely with the dungarees and totally in keeping with the pink look!

I'll also be wearing these.  

Lets hope I don't get strip searched then ;)

So, thats my travel outfit sorted - whats the chances of me getting round the world unscathed?

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