Sunday, August 25, 2013

Flying back..

So, my visit is all too short as usual, but at least it gives me chance to dress up again. 

Same clothes as before, pale blue green jumper dress that comes to mid thigh, blue Tshirt with 'I kissed a girl and I liked it' writes on the front, skinny kick flare jeans (these make the outfit so terribly femme) - 3 inch heel brown boots with pink striped socks. Awesome. 

I also painted my nails. Not too much of a sight then!

Just a little bit of fun! I wonder what people think - no one has really batted an eyelid so far. I've had a few stares, but people don't seem too bothered. 

I did overhear a customs officer talking to one of his colleagues (with a very subtle backwards glance) - he obviously felt something during his pat down - that would be mu underwear then. Floozie by Frost French - look it up ;)

Anyway, I'm almost home now, time to change, sort my shit out as they say. Might just be time for one quick adventure in the cat park though - what do you think - pay for my parking in denim dungaree shorts with pink Doc Martens, 


  1. How is it as a man to wear boots and do you get a lot of looks?

    1. It's great to wear whatever I want! People did notice as I was wearing very feminine jeans with a dress and nail polish. Nobody said anything though. High heels are fun to wear !

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